Virginia Duan

Author | Writer

Virginia Duan is an Asian American author who writes stories full of rage and grief with biting humor and glimpses of grace. Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Virginia lives with her husband and five children. (Yes, five.) She spends most of her days plotting her next book or article, shuttling her children about, participating in more group chats than humanly possible, and daydreaming about BTS a totally normal amount. (Photo credit: Susanna Stroberg)

Featured Books


Entertainment editor for Mochi Magazine, the longest running online Asian American women's magazine.

Freelance Writer

Writes on topics ranging from parenting and family life to pop culture, Asian and Asian American entertainment, and identity.


Host of the K-pop Smash Podcast and the Brazn Azn Podcast, and frequent guest on podcasts like the Kpopcast.


K-pop reactor on YouTube to mostly BTS, BTS related music videos and occasionally, also to other artists if there is time or inclination.


Loves science fiction, fantasy, Regency romance - especially by WOC. Also loves memoirs, fanfic, and books that talk about a thing without talking about the thing.


A mother doing her level best (in as lowkey way as possible) to create new cycles of generational joy in her ridiculous children.

What kind of person am I? / Am I a good person / Or a bad person? The assessments are all different / I’m just a person, too.

Guest Appearances

To book an appearance on your podcast or event, please contact [email protected].